
DisplayLinkManagerisanewwaytoenableyourDisplayLinkdock,adapterormonitoronmacOSplatforms.It'sanapplicationthatcombinesourlatestdriver ...,SelecttheDownloadsfolderintheHomedirectoryandthendraganddropitontothefar-rightsideareaonDock.Inotherwords,putitontheleftsidearea ...,2016年4月7日—LocatetheDownloadsfolderwithinyourHomefolder.SelectitanddragitintotherightsideoftheDock-rightfromthesizinggadgeta...

DisplayLink macOS Software for Downloads Section

DisplayLink Manager is a new way to enable your DisplayLink dock, adapter or monitor on macOS platforms. It's an application that combines our latest driver ...

Downloads Folder Disappeared from Dock, How to Restore It

Select the Downloads folder in the Home directory and then drag and drop it onto the far-right side area on Dock. In other words, put it on the left side area ...

How to add downloads back to dock?

2016年4月7日 — Locate the Downloads folder within your Home folder. Select it and drag it into the right side of the Dock - right from the sizing gadget and ...

How to Bring the Missing Downloads Folder Back to Your ...

2023年7月13日 — Right-click Downloads from there and choose Add to Dock or drag Downloads from the sidebar straight to your Mac's Dock. Both actions yield ...

Mac Dock

2012年2月1日 — Mac Dock is a good, free software only available for Windows, that belongs to the category Desktop customization software.

【Mac】電腦桌面下方Dock欄的「下載項目」不見了怎麼辦 ...

2019年3月1日 — Mac下方Dock欄右側預設有個「下載項目」 點一下會自動顯示一個扇形檔案排序第一個會是最新的檔案,要找剛下載的東西非常好用但有時候不小心把這個下載 ...

在Mac 上的Dock 中使用檔案夾

在Mac 上的Dock 中使用檔案夾. Mac 上的Dock 已包含「下載項目」檔案夾,從網際網路下載的檔案、收到的附件,以及使用AirDrop 接收項目的預設位置。它可以在Dock 中 ...

XWindows Dock 2.03 - 立體效果的仿Mac工具列

XWindows Dock 2.03 - 立體效果的仿Mac工具列
